Benefits & Workplace Notices for Student Employees

Student employees are not eligible for most benefits including holiday pay, vacation, or retirement plans.  However, student employees are eligible for NJ Sick Time and Workers Compensation, detailed below.

NJ Sick Time

Student employees are eligible for New Jersey Sick Time.  Students accrue one hour of paid sick time for every 30 hours worked.  The maximum sick time accrual a student can earn is 40 hours per year.

Whenever practicable, students should contact their supervisor in advance to request sick time.

Students will not receive any payout for unused sick time upon graduation or the cessation of a job. Students can carry over up to 40 hours of unused sick time from one fiscal year to the next.

A detailed Sick Time Policy can be found here.   A Notice of Employee Rights is also available from the State of New Jersey.

If you have questions about your sick time balance, please email 

Worker’s Compensation

Students who perform work and are paid wages by the University are covered for workers’ compensation benefits as long as the injury occurs within the course and scope of employment.  

Worker’s Compensation covers expenses for medical care and certain benefits for loss of pay resulting from injuries or disabilities incurred while on the job.  

Supervisors should be contacted as soon as possible in the event of any on-the-job injuries in order to allow for completion of the necessary forms.

Health Insurance

Alhough you have already demonstrated health coverage as a condition of of your enrollment, we are required by law to inform you of the Health Insurance Marketplace.

For more information on Financial Aid for Princeton's Student Health Plan, please see Policies and Procedures.

Pre-tax Commuter Benefit

It is very unlikely you will have work-related commuting expenses as a student employee.  However, student employees may opt-in to a pre-tax payroll deduction to help cover regular commuting expenses.  For details, please contact our office.

Workplace Notices

For a comprehensive list of required workplace notices, please visit the Human Resources Website.

Conflict Resolution & Termination

Conflict Resolution

Our office hopes that any minor disagreements between student employees and their employers can be worked out within the department.  However, the following steps should be followed if this is not possible.

Students should first bring employment problems to the attention of their immediate supervisor in order to seek a mutually satisfactory solution.  When problems cannot be resolved this way, students should discuss their concerns with the heads of the employing departments.  If this also fails, students should then contact the Student Employment Office.  Depending on the nature of the problem, our office may refer a student to other University resources for counsel and resolution.


Once students have been selected for a job, their continued employment depends upon their satisfactory performance of the required duties.  If a student’s employer decides that his or her performance is not satisfactory, then he or she may be released.   The student’s eligibility for future employment on campus will depend on the reason for dismissal.

If a student decides to terminate his or her employment, at least two weeks’ notice should be given to the employer.  In addition, the student should discuss the reason for termination with the employer and, if he or she wishes, with the Student Employment Office.